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18 Game Reviews w/ Response

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a few serious flaws on an otherwise great concept.

i liked the logic/puzzle element of the game a lot, however i thought that most of the real challenges arose from jumping controls and lack of key responses. Of particular note was level 27, which i gave about 300 tries before finally closing the game. that's just not what a game like this should be about. besides that, i guess i kill like, 2500 seconds playing this game, which is definitely saying something. good job.

Skeik responds:

Thanks, it really changes my idea on game design when I find out that people are actually spending time on the game :)

Like, all through the development I thought only a handful of people would be patient enough to get anywhere near the higher levels, and it's nice to know a lot of people did.

I understand what you're talking about with the platforming problems, and this game would greatly benefit from better level design.

Thanks alot of the review :D

could use some tweaking, but overall, really great

kept me captivated for some time, which is how i think games need to be ranked first and foremost.
the physics seems just a little strange though, i don't know what it was. probably it is just harder to build towers than i want it to be, i guess that's why you don't see construction crews just showing up on the job and eyeballing it, right?
wow, yeah, no it's definitely really great. a mode where you have more than 2 starting pylons would be a great addition, if you do look in to a sequel.
also, as you build your tower higher, a little minimap that shows stress points building up would be swell, so that you don't have to scroll down to see what color the bars on the bottom of your tower are.
i can't so much give corrections so much as expansion possibilities, because i think this game has a lot of room to grow.
objective based games, such as build a tower that can support X more weight, or build a building that is x feet by y feet and has n volume, (wow, i feel like i'm in math class). but you know what i mean. something beyond just the height of the thing.
great job on the physics and all, and now i'm off to go check out your other submissions!

VoidSkipper responds:

I never thought of using a minimap to display stress, that's a possibility. I wouldn't look too closely into my other submissions - I spent a lot of time learning flash and physics, and studying what makes a game fun after they had such mediocre response x3

Thanks for your review!

well, it works...

the problem is it just wasn't very engaging.
i mean, the graphics were nice and the weapons were well drawn, but in all honesty, why would i want to make a tonberry?
i'm not trying to bash your flash(es), as i see that all of your previous submissions have been tonberry related. this just, well, wasn't very fun. you grab a two out of 5 because i think there is enough effort to warrant not blamming it and all, of course, but in the future, i dunno, make your flashes a bit more worth while, i guess. be more innovative, even. i'm sorry to sound like such an ass.

JackalTonberry responds:

Yeah I know.
But this isn't exactly supposed to be an engaging game.
I'm aiming it at the person who just wants to mess around in something for a bit, not the person that wants to go on a giant adventure or something.

has potential

seems like i might enjoy playing the game more if the banner "STOLEN" wasn't flashing the whole time...

Jindo responds:

Haha yeah sorry about that, I noticed just after playing ;p.

It was to stop people from taking it from my site, but I forgot to change it before uploading.

You may notice that it's fixed now :).

err... a final?

did you pass your class? i know my comp-sci teacher would've failed me had i handed in something with bugs annoying as this. not to mention the quiz itself is completely irrational and silly, but that's to be expected from an "impossible quiz". still, other imp-quizzes that i've played have been at least a little bit enjoyable.
in the future, submitting things without bugs is always a great way to improve your score, more legitimate content helps as well, what can i say.

Ringwraith1 responds:

well lets just say the people in my comp class submit stick movies that suck, so mine was alot better than them, considering it was a game

2 quick bugs i found in the menu

I haven't even got to playing, but i thought i'd write up these bugs before i forget.
1) if you open the menu for options and then start a new campaign, the menu for options stays open (at least for me it did)
2) if you start a new campaign, you get that music playing, then I went back to main menu and back to the new campaign screen, and then music from the first time i was starting a new campaign was still playing.

Now I'll get to actually playing. hope it's as good as some other reviews suggest.
Good luck in your future releases too!

CerebralGames responds:

Thanks for your feedback, the bugs will be fixed today!

An uncanny amount of fun.

A great game! I wouldn't have expected a spot the difference game to be as intense, really. You score extra points for the use of "Chase the Devil" in the Shop level.
I'm not sure I could even point out any places to improve, really, it was that well done. Good job!

Godlimations responds:

hey thanks for your support! I aim for perfection =D

It all happened so fast!

I guess it was an interesting concept. It seems a bit too quick, maybe i'm just challenged, I dunno. I didn't even get a chance to see if i got more points from shooting vs. catching the blocks. was i supposed to shoot or catch the blocks? I'll go back and try again.

Ectoplasma responds:

Catch the blocks?? You sir are an innovator.

Strange that i find it relaxing?

I liked it very much, at first i thought the bar getting bigger was simply my imagination. The music was an excellent choice, reminded me of a martinia lounge that i frequent, absolutely wonderful. A bit of variation would've been nice, but if you do follow that idea, make sure not to make it too upbeat or rushed, that could ruin the whole feel of the game, really. Anyway, good work; simple but effective.

itsjms responds:


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