Whiskey tango foxtrot to these mixed reviews!
I actually don't understand.
Skimming over the reviews it seems a lot of people felt it "wasn't egoraptor-ish enough" but the reality is that it's a great homage (two m's? w/e) you have the little zoom in effect with the high detail, the quick plot and the flashing background. frankly i think this is a strong representation of egoraptor's stuff, in particular, you nailed the repetitive lines and the relatively weak comedic sense ;)
maybe a lot of folks just don't know speed racer, or don't care enough to find it funny. surely it doesn't have the same fan base as MGS or even RE:4. if you apply the "awesome" style to any thing that isn't wicked popular at the time, you're going to get a weaker response. anyway, enough droning on,
as far as i'm concerned, you're easily in to a 4 vote. the graphics were worthwhile, at times, and the voices were a strong representation of the characters from the show.
as an aside, fuck some negative reviews, as of this writing you have a 4.36!