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84 Movie Reviews

10 w/ Responses

A couple of questions, I hope you'll respond.

As for the review part, firstly, i guess it wasn't bad. I liked the music, but, as you mention in your comment, the animation is kind of lacking, what with images just passing by the screen and everything. I certainly don't mind the style though, which leads me to the questions:
This reminds me a lot of the intro to the Cowboy Bebop series, were you influenced by that show?
And secondly, did you create the music as well? If you did, please post it in the audio portal and link it in your comment for the movie. Or, if you did not, please provide proper credit to the artist by putting the name up in the comments or as co-author or whatever, not only because i'd like to look in to their work, but because the music is such a major part of the video and all.
Or maybe this is all from some series that I just haven't heard of or whatever, in which case, can you provide that information as well.
Anyway, good movie, as it were, maybe you could make episodes with those characters in the future, just a suggestion.

So happy.

Anyone who docks you on animation obviously didn't watch the trailers and all.
I liked it very much, reminds me of that Royksopp video for their song "Remind Me".
Don't really know what else i could say about improvements... so... good job!

A poor requiem.

A looping techno beat and an angsty, albeit apparently original, quote?
I hope any artistic friends I have will put more effort in to my memories if need be.
Please, motions, animation, anything particularly of interest please, next time you submit.
Maybe you could've made a compilation of some of his submissions or something, i dunno.

JujubeLock responds:

It was his music and his quote.

Worth a chuckle...

A solid 2, in my opinion. In the future, length, plot/story, etc, might make a bit of a better submission, though i suspect you could care less.
It was a bit of a laugh, and, whether you as the artist are racist or not, i liked your comical representation of the black guy. Reminded me of those old-styled black face comedy sketches, which I find funny in their own ignorance.

100%, pure, uncut, unadulterated awesome.

Absolutely incredible. When i first saw the thumbnail and the opening animation, i thought, "oh, another terribly animated movie that got frontpaged because they begged for it in the forums". But no. This was absolutely fantastic, stick people or no stick people. Great voicing, great plot, excellent humour. Good job!

P.S. Sequel?

Seems rare for newgrounds.

Maybe there are more things like this out there, but i haven't come across them. It takes a lot of guts to share something like that with a big community like newgrounds, even if it is, essentially, anonymous.
As regards the flash, i really enjoyed the style, and the presentation (movement through still pictures, photo-sketch contrast, etc.) was great as well. You might do well to submit more movies that might fall under the serious shorts category, but of course that'll come down to your own time/commitment.
I did have one issue with the thing, is it write to share her full name with the world like that? It seems like a bit of a security issue, I mean, not to sound like some paranoid fool or anything, but surely you might think it over?
I review 7/10 stars but vote a 4, I would caution you that many people might vote lower because of the directed, personal nature of the flash.

That was swell.

I liked the audio repetition at the end of the cartoon, presumably for anyone who hadn't gotten the point by the finale. You get a 4 and a cookie, mostly because you used the music from excitebike. As for the actual review of the worthwhile-ness of the movie, the punchline was there, which is good for a comedy, the animation/art could certainly use some work, and I didn't think there needed to be any dialogue, so good job.

The Future Is Greedy.

Age 38, Male



Ontario, Canada

Joined on 2/3/05

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